An email subject Metabolic diagnosis
Contents of the email text Form
An email subject Food blance diag.
Contents of the email text Form
#Date Time Height(cm) Weight(Kg) Waist(cm) Body fat(%) Blood Pr.(H)(mg) Blood Pr.(L)(mg)
#Date Time Meail FoodClass FoodName FoodAmount FoodCalorie(KCal) TotalCalorie(KCal) StapleFood(SV) SideDish(SV) MainDish(SV) MIlk(SV)
#Date Time Elapsed(Secs) Exercise Strength(METs) Time(h) Exercise(Ex) Calories(KCal)
A log file is text file of the CSV form to assume the top a header line.
I e-mail the log file as an attached file, and it is transmitted a message.
The email subject becomes the log file name.
I can perform setting of an email of Anti-Metabo.
I can perform the setting of the dieting target of Anti-Metabo.
I can perform various optional setting of Anti-Metabo.
A diagnosis result of physical data of the day is displayed when I tap a metabolic diagnosis.
The histories of conventional physical data are listed when I tap history indication.
It is displayed a graph weight / girth of the abdomen / percent of body fat of the (a maximum) for conventional the past 60th when I tap graph indication.
[A graph of the weight]
The physical data recording records daily height / weight / girth of the abdomen / percent of body fat / blood pressure.
You do not need to appoint the thing of non-measurement.
But please appoint height and the weight by all means once.
The diagnosis result of the meal contents of the day is displayed when I tap a meal diagnosis.
A history of a conventional meal is listed when I tap history indication.
It is displayed a graph a total intake calorie of 1 day of the meal of the (a maximum) for conventional the past 60th when I tap graph indication.
The meal data recording calculates an intake calorie by the daily meal.
Histories of the past exercise are listed when I tap expression indication.
The exercise timer calculates an exercise consumption calorie by exercise except the walking and the work in real time.
Histories of the past walking are listed when I tap history indication.
The pedometer calculates an exercise consumption calorie by the walking in real time.
The diet trainer (Anti-Metabo) is dieting support software to prevent the metabolic syndrome, and to improve it.