A log file is text file of the CSV form to assume the top a header line.
I e-mail the log file as an attached file, and it is transmitted a message.
The email subject becomes the log file name.
I e-mail the log file as an attached file, and it is transmitted a message.
The email subject becomes the log file name.
#Date Time Elapsed(Secs) Walks(Times) Time(h) Speed(Km/h) Exercise(Ex) Calories(KCal)
Date | The log output date of the yyyy/mm/dd form |
Time | The log output time of the hh:mm:ss form |
Elapsed(Secs) | A pedometer elapsed time(Seconds) |
Walks(Times) | The walk number of times(walks) |
Time(h) | Walk time(Hours) |
Speed(Km/h) | Walk speed(Km/Hour) |
Exercise(Ex) | A momentum(Ex) |
Calories(KCal) | A consumption calorie(KCal) |